Whether it's a little time or a lot of time, on campus or at home, as a mom, dad or grandparent, WE NEED YOU!  Our PTA is 100% volunteer driven. We could not do it without our volunteers! 



STEP ONE - Share Your Interest


Fill out a volunteer interest form. We need volunteers with many different talents and skills. Some volunteer opportunities have one-time options and other require an ongoing commitment. Even if you have just a little time, we have opportunities for you!


Volunteer Interest Form




STEP TWO - Voly Background Check


Click below to set up a Voly account and update your background check.

Every volunteer must update their background check annually before volunteering on campus.

Background checks may take up to three weeks to process. Look for an email from partnerships@lisd.net to confirm your approval.





STEP THREE - Start Signing Up!


"Become a fan" of Hicks on Voly to see all the upcoming Hicks opportunities! You can sign up on Voly.

Follow Hicks on Facebook for additional updates on volunteer opportunities.


For more information, email thesvolunteer@gmail.com.